Being brave in business and life.
“You must do the things you think you cannot do “
Eleanor Roosavelt
Over the last 30 odd years of being in business there have been many many times I have been asked by a customer to create something for them and I have said ‘yes no problem’ before I have even thought it through. Oh boy this has tested me many times but when I am pushed is when I usually do my best work. Like the lollipop wedding bouquet or the bridesmaids who carried spinning pinwheels !!!
Now, in all honesty I am guilty of being great at encouraging others but not so much for myself. So it’s time to push myself, I have set some goals for business and personal. I have been told that unless I write them down they are just dreams, so that I have done. And I am going to take baby steps so it’s not so scary towards achieving these goals.
If we all lived a little braver can you imagine what we could achieve. And inspire the next generation to ‘do the things they think they cannot do’ even if it is done with baby steps it’s still moving forward and making progress.