Process Over Product

Process over product

I opened my notes app today to begin a new blog post as it had been a while. Notes is where I keep ideas, ideas for blogs, ideas for artworks, ideas for business avenues to pursue, just anything that sparks my interest.

I opened a page that had the headline Process Over Product nothing else, just the headline and it had me thinking. Now perhaps this was just me trying to slow myself down or maybe me overthinking again!!

But it really is a huge part of being a successful artist, I feel that the more I play and tinker in my studio the better the end result of the artworks I create. I am sure that would also apply to other aspects of our lives, if you are a gardener tinkering around your plants, tending to them, talking to them 🥴 I am sure your vegetables and blooms would thank you for it. So why not with your art too.

Play with those random supplies you purchased, take time to consider how they could be adapted to your style and creativity. I know this is something that I need to do more of.

I have been thinking about the Derwent Inktense blocks that I bought, at the time I worried that I was investing too much money into them but I loved the colour intensity and dived in. And yes they are now in the draw feeling quite unloved. Maybe I need to be more intentional with this sort of thing. Set an intention at the beginning of each week to use just one supply that has been unloved. I tend to write notes in my diary of what I want to achieve in the week, it keeps me a little more focused. I am going to make an intention in my diary from now on.

Let’s see how I go, set an intention and enjoy the process with me, if you do, share your ‘play time’ and be sure tag me in your socials.

Much love,

Sahra xx

PS there was even dust on the lid !!!!!!


Being brave in business and life.


Fear of a blank canvas.