When life throughs you a curve ball……

Oh, and yes I am on TikTok too

It’s time to start writing again, I apologise for the silence but 2022 has certainly thrown us some curve balls. For anyone new here on 28th of February our home was flooded and like so many other families thrown into the turmoil of flood recovery, life in temporary accommodation and the biggest shock was learning that insurance companies are not your friend.

So here I am on the eve of my 55th birthday with mixed emotions of where I actually am in this world today. Before the flood I was making great progress with my art business in fact the day it flooded I was teaching myself to film myself and learning how to be comfortable in front of the camera. This week, nearly 9 months later I posted my first video of me, talking to the world on social media and the world didn’t end and nobody said ‘take that down you are a fool’ in fact people loved it and encourage me to do more. So where to from now, I am back painting and although it still feels awkward I know I will find my groove again and I am confident I will grow the business back again to something bigger and better than before.

I have invested the last 9 months into learning and researching new ideas, new processes, new technology and I am ready to move forward with some of these ideas. I have scoured YouTube and taken many courses, I have found new artwork forms and ways to share my creativity with the world.

The most surprising aspect of this whole flood debacle is that I have learnt that I am not me if I am not creating. Creativity truly fills my soul and without it a part of who I am is dead. Overly dramatic I know but true for me and my identity.

So, yes I turn 55 tomorrow, and I am wondering how did that happen in that blur of, life, family and business I feel a little lost. But I also have this fire of creativity burning in my heart that feels like it’s about to ignite and fill my world with excitement and possibilities. So stay tuned, I have so much in the pipeline for an exciting future because you are never too old to create your perfect life and I am determined that it is out there for me.

Thanks for being on this journey with me,

Much love,

Sahra xx


Fear of a blank canvas.


Art Therapy, how it helped me with flood recovery