My why….. a little bit about why and how I found my love for painting.

Recently I have had so many people say they are inspired by me and what I am doing with my art business. I am honoured, truely honoured that people think that, but I really am just so lucky and grateful that I have found my new happy place. So this is my ‘why’ and ‘how’ of how I have arrived at this glorious place, full time artist.

When we had decided to retire I thought we would travel the world, sit leisurely in coffee shops, read a book and relax…..well that didn’t happen, yes I read some books and relaxed but the rest didn’t happen and I was soon (maybe 2 years) I was bored and really frustrated that things didn’t work out how I had it in my head.

I lovely friend made the comment recently that ‘I didn’t need to retire I just needed a holiday’ and now I see that she was so right. Being in business for yourself is a commitment and with the nature of Framed Wedding Flowers and how I had structured the business it was almost impossible to take a holiday. Fresh wedding bouquets would start arriving on Sunday after the weddings and being fresh flowers they needed to be processed that day it really wasn’t conducive to going away, being unavailable and actually saying ‘no’ to work didn’t ever sit well with me.

Anyway, it was the beginning of 2020 and covid was causing drama across the world. This is when I came across Anna Battle and her Facebook page Shiny Happy Art. This is where I was hooked, Anna had a Facebook group, Shiny Happy Draw and Paint With Anna, where she was doing Drink and Draw with Anna on a Saturday night when we were in lockdown. I have gone on to join Anna’s Shiny Happy Art Club and honestly the rest is history, my new journey had begun, full time artist here I come. 

Anna taught me to see, really really see things. Colour, shadows, tone, I remember looking at the trees in the backyard and ‘seeing’ so many greens and yellows and then a looking at pineapple and seeing it has red on its skin……. It’s a revelation. Driving in the car took on a new form of entertainment seeing colours and imagining how I would mix them. I know this sounds odd but maybe some of you will get this and smile, I don’t think I’m alone here, or yes possibly I am crazy on the verge of losing my marbles…….

I have had some other wonderful teachers, the incredibly talented Tracy Verdugo. I can highly recommend her online classes. Tracy taught me balance, contrast and looseness with abstract painting. The art of ‘taking a colour for a walk around a painting’ is a practice that I use in every painting I do.

And the brilliant Natalie Parker who has taught me (and continuing to) so much about art and different art styles. Natalie is also my art business teacher and a wonderful wealth of knowledge gained over her many years in the industry. Natalie runs Art Biz A to Z this is such a wonderful course, so much info and ongoing support through the Face Book Group.

These 3 gorgeous women and of course YouTube and Skillshare have taught me everything but have also saved me when I needed it most. I am so lucky that I have found my new happy place and if I do inspire someone else along the way well that’s just another bonus. I have grand plans for my business and I hope to be painting until the day I pass on. 

You are never too old to learn new things and if you want to build a new business go for it, and if you inspire someone else to chase their dreams that just might make the world a better place.

Love to you all,



Art Therapy, how it helped me with flood recovery


Running A Business in the 90’s