
Hi lovelies and welcome to my blog……

I have been thinking that one day I might like to write a book, so rather than jump into that huge venture perhaps I should start a little smaller and see if anyone actually thinks I have something interesting to say.

So here I am, a wife and mum of 2 wonderful young men. I am blessed to live on a very special little peninsula in the north of NSW, Australia. I have always been creative and for all of my working life I was lucky to use these skills and make pretty good businesses with them (more on that later).

So in 2018 we retired and I thought I would travel the world, read books and paint a little. As it happens things don’t always work out as it looked in my head and I found myself very board. I did do some casual work (more on that later too) but when Covid hit and I found myself with even less to do I decided that perhaps I would have a look at painting a little more.

I am really not even sure how it happened but I watched a few YouTube videos and came across a lovely art teacher on Facebook called Anna Battle and her Shiny Happy Art Studio. Oh my, I was hooked, I dabbled with some watercolours and through her gentle Facebook lives I learnt, played with paints, pencils and practiced every day. 

From those Saturday night Drink and Draw with Anna Facebook livestream to now, you could say I have come along way, spent lots of $$ on glorious art supplies, set up my corner of the office and now run my very own successful art business. 

With this blog I hope to share my journey, business knowledge and my new found love of all things art. I hope that I may inspire you or just entertain you either way I think I have a lot to say! I will delve into my life long love of flowers and maybe even learn a little about myself along the way, call it therapy or perhaps therapeutic to actually tell my stories. I will share with you my businesses, what I did and how it worked out. And my personal thoughts, on business, life and art, well maybe not all of them, you might think I’m actually a little crazy! Oh that’s probably a blog post in itself, what goes on in a creative person’s head, hahaha we may actually go there.

Anyway, that’s a start, thanks for reading all the way to the end.



Where my business education really started….